The Wavell Heights State School P&C Association meetings are held on Tuesday of week 3 and week 8 each term. The P&C aims are to increase community support and raise money to invest in our school. Our meetings generally run for about an hour. The principal and each committee provide reports and make decisions about issues raised in the school.
Parents make decisions about how P&C funds are to be raised and support the school in deciding how these funds are spent. It is important that as many people as possible attend these nights so that a good sample of opinions can be heard and discussed. Parents and caregivers are invited to participate on any of these committees.
The P&C Association is responsible for the tuckshop and fundraising.
There are many ways Parents can contribute to the P&C, including:
Volunteering at the tuckshop, discos, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day stalls (either wrapping or helping the children shop)
Buying Entertainment Books or supporting other fundraising ventures
Buying at tuckshop
Your input is eagerly sought. We are always after new and exciting fundraising or social events for the school. We appreciate all suggestions put forward.
New members are always welcome. To become a member of the Wavell Heights State School P&C Association please complete the application form, which is available at the school office or alternatively, you can attend one of our monthly meetings and join then.
To find our more about the Wavell Heights State School P&C Association please feel free to contact us vial email at
- President
– Jen O'Brien
- Vice-President
– Sue Marsden
- Treasurer
– Laveena D'Costa
- Secretary
– Shannon Jones